J.C. Science Experiments

2nd Year Science Experiments:
The following pictures show students from 2A class investigating the force of FRICTION.
They used wooden blocks, Newton Spring Balances, sandpaper and oil. Aftertheir investigation students write up their results in their experiment copies. Over the 3 years of Junior Cycle S cience , students carry out 47 mandatory experiments.The write up of all of these experiments contributes to 10% of their Junior Cert science grade. 

2G girls dissecting the Heart....Rebecca and Megan

 Laura and Sinead

6 Biology Experiments
1. Food Test: Starch
2. Food Test: Sugar(glucose)
3. Food Test: Fat
4. Food Test: Protein
5. Conversion of Chemical Energy in Food to Heat Energy
6. Investigate the action of the enzyme amylase on starch

4 Biology Experiments
1.C02 in Air (Inhaled and Exhale)
2.Leaf: Test it for starch
3.To investigate conditions needed for germination
4.To investigate micro-organisms in Air and Soil

4 Chemistry Experiments
1. To Seperate an insoluble solid (Sand) and liquid (water) by Filtration
2. To Seperate a soluble solid (salt) and liquid (water) by evaporation.
3. to separate 2 substances by distillation
4. To seperate colours in Ink by Paper Chromotography.

5 Chemistry Experiments
1. To prove that 0xygen and water are needed for rusting
2. To investigate the pH of a variety of substances
3. To titrate a sampl of HCl against Sodium Hydroxide to for Sodium Chloride (Salt) and water.
4. Investigate the reaction between Zinc and Hydrochloric Acid and then test the presence of Hydrogen gas.
5. To show that one fifth of the air is oxygen.

4 Chemistry Experiments
1. To show that carbon dioxide is present in air.
2. To show thatr water vapour is present in air.
3. To prepare a sample of oxygen; Hydrogen peroxide and manganese Dioxide.
4. To prepare carbon Dioxide gas and examine some of its properties.

3 Chemistry Experiments
1. To show that carbon dioxide does not support combustion
2. Test for carbon dioxide in air
3. To Detect the presence of dissolved solids in a water sample.

7 Physics Experiments
1. To find the mass,volume and then desity of a solid.
2. To determine density of an irregular object (stone)
3. The mass,volume and density of a liquid.
4. To investigate the relationship between the extension of a sprink and the force applied (Hookes Law)
5. Energy conversion: Electric to magnetism to kinetic
6. Energy conversion: Light to electric to kinetic
7. Energy conversion: Chemical to electric to heat.

4 Physics Experiments
1. Investigate the expansion of solids when heated and contraction when cooled.
2. To investigate the expansion of liquids when heated and contraction when cooled.
3. To investigate the expansion of gases when heated and contraction when cooled.
4. To show the transfer of heat by conduction

3 Physics Experiments

Physics Experiments