2nd Year Students from class 2A teach 1st Years some fun Chemistry!!
All students in 2A are currently busy preparing and organising themselves to teach all of the 1st years in the school some Kitchen Chemistry. They will present and actively take part in 3 kitchen chemistry workshops.
Watch this space for updates!!! in the coming month!!
>>>>>>>Kitchen Chemistry UPDATE>>>>>>>
A great success...well done to all of 2A class...we just have one more class to teach 1U...this Tuesday...and a joint Bottle rocket launch is set for Tuesday also( weather permitting).
here are some pictures....................................
Damien showing off his Kitchen Chemistry T-shirt with pride....made for the occasion
All of my 2A (JCSP class)
L-R...Damien Bracken, David Farrell, David Byrne, Kyle Long, Ms Helen Corbett, Niamh Kinsells, Katie Mythen, Shannon Murray, Keith Furlong and Darryl Varndale.

Niamh and Kyle introduce the Lesson to the 1st years...
Students are given €6...they must buy materials for their experiment from the 2nd years...there are so may decisions they can make....
Darryl assists a 1sy Year student Grace with her balloon attachment.....
Shannon write up the results of students chemistry experiments on the Board. It is so important to record results of experiment in science.
Our rocket launch Engineer...Damien Bracken...fixes the bottle rocket attachment to each of the students bottles

Darryl helps the 1st years get to grips with some Kitchen Chemistry
Ms Corbett demonstrates how to put a cone on a rocket to Mary-ann (1st year student)